Saturday, March 19, 2011

To the tune of...

A Melody, A Harmony. Joel and I sing and dance...and it often times comes out as a melody and a harmony, even the dancing. Our pain is different, yet our pain is the same. One needs the other to be at it's best. Both have to be shared, at least in our world. He two steps and I four step. He jigs and I jag. But we do it all together. The pieces, the steps, the lyrics, they all jive. One without the other would be lost. One without the other would be in so much more pain. We lay our pain and our burdens at the feet of Jesus and we ask him to join our dance...jiggity jaggity jive. We beg him to turn our painful agonizing yet free style dance steps into the dance of joy we long for.

Dancing, singing, running, walking, listening, talking, blogging. These are all outlets for our pain. Oh yea, and let us not forget prayer, or rather, our crying out to Jesus, our begging, our shaking angry fists, our yelling, our's all part of our melody and our harmony.

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