Friday, August 31, 2012

An A+ and 3 stars!

At Monday's 24 week appointment the girls and I received an A+ and 3 stars...

The A+ was for me, from the ultra sound tech...before and after looking at the girls she had to take pictures of the end, as she was walking us to the appointment room, she said "you get an A+"!

The nurse and nurse practitioner were impressed!

Then the doctor came in and said our little girls are doing wonderfully...they get 3 stars he said.

Baby A weighs 1 pound 11 ounces, B weighs 1 pound 15 ounces, both have heart beats in the 150 and both are thriving...

Um, are they growing too fast or too slow I asked him...

He looked at me sort of weird and said no of course not, they are right on schedule.

You see, on that day I was 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant...but both girls measured at 25 weeks and 2 I was just slightly worried.

Dr. Key said they are growing like singeltons which is a blessing because so often one twin steals from the other...I wonder if my twin and I did that?!

It's always a relief to know things are going well...and they still are...but towards the end of the appointment he gave me a slight scare...

He told me that I would be having contractions...WHAT? I thought to myself...4 in one hour is ok he said, but if I have 4 the hour following that I need to be seen immediately...

Um, that scared me.  Confused me.  Frightened me.  I came home and sat in the recliner bathed in fear...bed and sleep could not come fast enough.  I needed something to take my mind off of this.

After talking with my sisters and then scouring the Mayo Clinic pregnancy book I realized I was just fine.  Deep breath.  It's still slightly confusing but I have learned it is normal...and that real contractions and the ones I have now (if i'm having them?) are very different...not that I know, my sources tell me that though!

So we are 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant!  I like getting to cross a day off the calendar!

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