Monday, January 31, 2011

Everyone has a story

I work as a receptionist and I sit at a big desk all alone in a giant lobby. Often co-workers walk by me, usually at a high rate of speed, anxious to get to their next meeting. I have countless conversations each day, with mostly the same people, that go like this:
M: Hi
Other person: Hi
M: How are you?
Other person: Good, how are you?
M: I'm good thanks!

Sometimes instead of "good" there comes a "fine" or an "ok" but these conversations mostly go like this. On rare occasions someone will stop and talk about the weather or the weekend.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have more in-depth conversations at work with certain people, friends, whom I have known since my first stint at LSS. But that first stint was in HR, behind a closed door which did not allow me the opportunity to have so many of these short conversations.

As the days go by I find myself thinking of the individual people who I have these conversations with and I wonder what their story is. There is so much depth to a person, so many layers. I often sit there thinking about Joel and I's infertility journey, which is so secret to so many people, and I wonder if the people who pass me by are in silent pain themselves. I will never have the opportunity to know the depths of most of them. But I do stop and think...It makes me respect them a little more, and admire them more. I wish I had the time and opportunity to know everyone's story, their joys and their pain. I hope that I have the opportunity to learn more about them, amidst the phone ringing, visitors signing in, and spreadsheets that keep me busy. Just today an individual happened to stop and want to chat...I don't chat with this person much, but I found out they were in silent pain over a loss, had they not shared, I would never have known. I appreciated being picked to be among those they shared with. I want to laugh with people, weep with people, share with people. My desire is that as Joel and I embark on daily life, and ministry, that we are inundated with people's stories. I welcome hearing your story!

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