Monday, June 27, 2011

My heart is at the beach...

That's a saying we saw today. And to us it is very meaningful...we love the beach. It's so good for our souls to be here. Playing in the ocean, running through the sand, listening to the waves and seeing the amazing sunsets. Our hearts are at the beach. Maybe second call can be closer to the beach:) Ok, so we're getting ahead of ourselves. But Joel and I really do need the beach, as much as we love it, we also need it. Today as I was holding the hands of Rylee and Kaylie and we were crouched down in the cold pacific ocean water, I loved the sounds of their screeches as the waves came in and washed over us. We would see them coming from way out and we would wait...wait...wait, ah, the crash! It was very cold but very refreshing. Joel's goal was to dive in...but then he decided it was too cold. I concurred! We got used to the temp of the water eventually, but never enough to dive in. We were covered in salty, cold, and thrilling ocean water though, and it was amazing! We love the beach. We didn't see the sun today and we felt rain drops for a lot of the day, but it didn't matter, we still played. And played hard! Last night we stood at the edge of the ocean, with Rylee and Kaylie running around us, we held hands, and we asked God to give us babies. We did that same thing the last time we were at the beach and it didn't work, but maybe this time it will. We feel so close to God at the beach.

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