Sunday, June 20, 2010

father's day heartache...

Today is harder than I thought it would be. To my dearest Joel...I am so sorry that today is not a day of celebration for us, I am so sorry that today we lack one thing we want so badly....arms full of little girls and boys who call you daddy. My heart yearns for this. As a wife, I want to see my husband be a daddy. I know in my heart, in my soul, that he was made for it. This journey is so hard. Today is one giant reminder of our sadness.
We are so thankful for our own dad's so we pause in the midst of the day to joyfully think about them....we will call both of them to say how much they mean to us. We will send cards to them. We will wish we could be with them, maybe then this day would be happier for us, maybe we would have some distraction.
Today, on this made up holiday, started so many years ago in Spokane WA, or so we heard on the TV, we will go to church, we will clean house, watch tv, eat food, cry, hug each other, and beg God to be with us. We need cradled today.

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