Yesterday was preschool open house day. Oh. My. It was CRAZY! Kids came out of the wood-works (or rather the wheat fields) the ol' saying goes! The room has been painted, the welcome signs are hung, the coat and back pack hooks are assigned, supplies purchased...the teacher is ready, almost!
Only 12 kids came yesterday, which I know isn't too overwhelming, but they brought with them siblings, both older and younger, and parents, and the room was full...little kids were running wild and the entire floor was covered in toys...legos, blocks, cars, kitchen toys, puzzles, books, etc. It was wild. And I had to mom brought her 3 year old who will be in class, her 2 year old and another little surprise 3 year old friend who will also be in class...and they stayed the entire time, the 3rd people to get there, the last to leave. I honestly wondered when 5pm rolled around if they were going to leave. It finally occurred to me that preschool open house was the social event of the day, or maybe even the week, this is a small town after all. It was fun and overwhelming. I had to prompt the parents to ask me questions, even suggesting they ask me things like where I am from! A few of the moms finally opened up and Pastor Joel and one of the dads hit it off. The most overwhelming for me was the constant question "how many kids will be in class?". I answered with a "13, I think". I really don't know though.
Here's some background: The history of the preschool has been to have 4 year olds come. This year myself and the head of the christian education committee (who oversees the preschool) got the big idea to try and add a one day a week 3 year old class. So, I contacted a list of 3 year old parents provided by the elementary school. I called them, I sent them letters, I talked with several of them many times, and I met with a couple of them. We needed at least 5 to have a class and I only had 4 committ. So, we cancelled that idea...on to the 4 year olds. But of course, some of the 3 year old parents still want their kids to come and so we told those four 3 year olds that they could come if they wanted to.
Now, at the risk of making this way too long and drawn out, I'll get to the point. With the kids who showed up yesterday, that I did not know were coming, and the three 3 year olds that will come, I may have 15 kids, by myself. The "by myself" thing is the sort of problem here. I won't know if it's really a problem til Tuesday. But it seemed to me that the parents were concerned about there being too many in class. I think I need an assistant! But we can't pay one, and I could offer free tuition to a mom, but all of the moms either work or have little ones at home who would have to come and run around in the class, just adding to the already lots of kids...hmmmm! Not sure what next week will bring. The first day is the 13th. I will have ages 3-5 in class. Three of the kids came last year as 4 year olds but have birthdays that just missed the public school cut off so they are back in preschool. Three of them are shy little timid 3 year olds who have never been away from mom...should be an adventure, to say the least. I did have one little girl tell me she loved me as she left...gotta love little kids and their instant acceptance of the teacher, ha!
Oh my goodness! The paint job transformed that room! It looks fantastic.