Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meltdown time

Today was an almost meltdown day and it's only 11:30am.

I can't find the sweatshirt I want to wear. Our house is a mess. Laundry needs done. Joel isn't home much, which just adds fuel to the almost meltdown. We have to go to the bank to request a money order for payment of our IVF cycle (which hopefully doesn't turn into much of an event). We have a long to-do list for this Wednesday, none of which includes cleaning our house or organizing it.

We have to read and sign and mail back our Cryology consent forms, so they are there and processed in time for the cycle in March. Which is another thing not on the to-do list. The weeks go by so fast.

I hope the list does include an afternoon bike ride before youth group.

None of this is really a big deal, except maybe the cryology paperwork. But to me, today, it all is. I feel like crying it's all so overwhelming. And then I think about all the upcoming injections and, well, I have to take a lot of deep breaths. And build in play time, I try to make sure we play at least once a day whether it be a dice game called greed, bike riding, treadmill walking/running, walking to the post office, or watching one of our favorite shows Parenthood together. Or, of course, going for coffee at the local coffee shop.

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