Monday, October 15, 2012

More to the story...

Dr. Key came in to visit with us Wednesday evening after I had been admitted...

We still didn't fully grasp was what going on.

Then he gave it to us straight...his goal was to get us home, but he couldn't make any promises.

Oh boy!

It was a good conversation, but it was a scary one.  It was a miracle we came in that day, he said.  Oh and he reminded more work, even if I go home. 

Of course stress set in...but Joel took care of things, I called a preschool mom and cancelled class for the next day, my birthday, ordered my dinner and well, laid back and chilled...

The eve of my 34th first night ever in a hospital...HGTV on the TV, Joel on the sofa/twin bed in the room...and me getting a stop contraction shot every four hours.

I didn't sleep even a little bit that night.  So many many thoughts in my head...some fear thrown in there...some thinking about my babies...some wondering what was going on...

The next morning we were greeted by our nurse for the day...she was awesome!  Her second time in Joel told her it was my birthday!

For my birthday breakfast I ordered buttermilk pancakes, sausage, apple juice and to be honest I cannot remember what else! 

An hour or so later Karra told Dr. Key, who was back for a visit, it was was my birthday.  I told them both it was Joel's the next day.  We talked about how the goal was not to have our little girls have a birthday either of those days, or even close!

Dr. Key told Karra she should tell the nutrition staff about our birthdays.  She thought maybe instead Joel should go get an icecream will taste better she said!

My morning meds were taken, breakfast was over, and Joel had headed to Big Sandy to gather some necessities...we had no idea at this point if we would be there until they were born or going home soon...and I was just hanging out watching TV when there was a knock on my door...

I heard a voice say "nutrition, can I come in?"  Uh-oh I thought, I haven't ordered lunch yet, they must have the wrong room....

But in came a really nice lady with a birthday cake and card for me!  The cake was yellow cake with white frosting and covered in sprinkles.  I love sprinkles.  A lot!  I had my first piece alone after lunch.  It was delicious!

The day unfolded with more shots and pills, more cake, Starbucks, some present opening, and hanging out in Room 7130. 

All in all, if it was keeping the babies safe, it was worth missing out on dinner and a movie!  We just had those hospital style instead.

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