Tuesday, July 17, 2012


We spent the week last week at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp.

It was our first time there.  We had a great week...

Relaxing, eating, napping, swimming, playing, some children's sermons for Joel...

Lots of up and down hills.

There are a lot of hills at that camp!  A lot.  There was so much of camp we never we saw because it was up too high!

I was so tired.  Tuesday we walked to the Outdoor chapel for morning worship and I remember saying the word "terrible" on the trek up.  It was terrible.  I had no idea what I was getting into.  I should have stopped a quarter of the way up and turned around but Joel was already at the top and...

Well, I just kept going.  And I paid all day for it.  I took 2 naps that day.  My rhythm was nap, eat, nap, eat...rest, sit in the lake because I had no energy to swim but needed cooled off, go to worship, bed.

Even though a lot of napping took place we did not miss out on any activity we wanted to be at...

And really my role during the week was to rest and relax, Joel's too but he had a few more responsibilities.

During open time, nearly every day, we were able to connect with kids from our churches which was cool...foos ball, ping pong, visiting by the sand box, hanging out at the water front.

Oh and one morning we checked kids in and out at the water front.

One of the best parts was the other pastors and their families their that week.  We reconnected with a seminary family serving in Western Washington that we hadn't seen for 2 years!  And we made friends with another pastor family from Western Washington and a pastor from Missoula...great connecting!

Our cabin was right on the lake, campfire chapel right outside our door...beautiful!  I loved it!  Great way to spend a week.

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