Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beautiful Blessings

Monday we had a 16 week ultra sound.  Kay, the technician said first she was going to take some doctor pictures then she would look for gender...

"Do you guys want to know?" she asked.

"Yes"! I said with a little laugh in my voice.

I could not believe that moment was upon much thinking about it over the previous few months.

So much imagining, wondering, planning...

Baby A up first..."looks like this one is a girl" she said!

"I thought there was a girl in there" I said!

I began to tear up, my heart skipped a beat...Baby B's turn...

Another girl, at least she thought so!  What?  Another girl?  Hmm...sort of what I was expecting, but I also had wondered if there was a boy!  She checked Baby B at the end and said for sure she is a girl.

Much more measuring and picture taking then the doctor came in.

The first thing he said is that our babies are beautiful blessings.  Two healthy fraternal twin girls!  He then told us how relieved he was to share good news with us that day...

You see, he spent the morning with a patient of his, 37 weeks pregnant...over the weekend her husband died expectantly.  Also, hH woke up that morning to a story in the newspaper about a lady who drowned in the river...she was also one of his patients...

So much heartache.  He just kept saying over and over again what beautiful blessings we have, and how blessed he was to be able to tell us that!

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