Monday, May 14, 2012

Church flowers

Yesterday at church there were flowers for Mother's Day. 

Joel was told to announce that the Mother's could all pick up a flower on their way out, or 2.

The person who told him this looked at me and wished me a Happy Mother's Day to be.

Then the person said that they thought being pregnant warranted me celebrating Mother's Day so it would be alright if I went ahead and got a flower at the end.

I said a simple ok.

But then I was distracted during parts of the service.  My eyes were tear filled.  My heart was sad. 

What about the women who want to be moms but haven't been able to yet?  Can't they have a flower?  What about the moms who have lost a child, can't they have a flower?  What about ladies who long for marriage and motherhood, but it hasn't happened yet, can't they have a flower?

I found  myself sort of getting mad.  I know the person meant no harm with their words.  I know they meant only joy.

But I formed this strong opinion in the midst of it women, we all nurture and's in our genes.  And I think regardless of whether or not we have children, are carrying children with our eyes on due dates, or dream of one day having children...we all deserve flowers!

Pastor Joel said Happy Mother's Day to all moms, grandmas, aunts, friends, all those who care for any and all children...

I liked that.

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