Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A home test

I lost count of the number of home pregnancy test I've used over the years of this journey.

Every time they were negative.  All 5 IUI's they were negative.

I began to be scared of them.  I lost all trust in them.  I called them bad names.  I shed lots of tears over them. 

Always negative.

Guess what?  I still haven't done one this time, even though I know it would be a beautiful positive!

Julia and Dr. Shomento said I could cheat with one.  I have one in the drawer.  

But, I'll take the big fat very positive blood test news that we received last Thursday over a home test...any day.

I know it sounds weird...I know it's beyond silly.

I know I could take one now to have that memory. 

But I am not going to.  Why?  My joy is complete. 

Our miracle is growing.

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