Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The power of story

I have noticed, especially this weekend, that people always follow up our news of twins with, "are there twins in either of your families?".

I answer, of course, by saying I am a twin.  Which automatically makes them think that we're having twins because there are twins in the family...

Which isn't the case...

I feel prompted to tell them we did fertility treatments and that's the reason for this double adventure!

Sharing just a part of our story, in the 2 minutes or less I have with them, is so powerful...

I often here people in response tell us they did the same thing...some sort of fertility treatments...

Or they are parents because of the gift of adoption...

Or their daughter, niece or sister did treatments...

Or they themselves are struggling with infertility and what treatment did we do and where.

A silent journey, pain filled, but so meant to be shared, at least for us.  So many doors opened.  This is part of our story.  And I pray that God is writing ours in this way so we can share hope with others.

One girl, and I was sharing that IVF worked for us the first time, lit up with joy.  She hopes for the same thing for her and her husband.  I hope and pray that for them also!

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