Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What to expect when you're expecting

The movie.

We watched it last Friday.  I cried, I laughed, I cried some more.

Tears of joy and sadness!

It was a really good movie.  Go watch it!  Joel liked it also! 

So much happiness in it, sadness, funny and joy...I loved the moments so intense and joy filled that I cried happy tears.  The sad parts were, well, they had to be there.

The movie covered so many scenarios...infertility, surprise pregnancy, adoption, etc...

Worth the watch. 

The best part was near the end they used one of our favorite names!  It was like I was having a moment when I heard them say was like a sign! 

Now I'm even more excited to find out soon who is growing inside of me!

I told Joel just this morning that I am ok with boy, boy or girl, boy or girl, girl...

But then I said, "but looking at their pictures, don't you think one of them looks like a girl?"!  Of course he answered yes, he probably thought he sort of had too, haha!:)

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