Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another Day

You never know when emotions, tears, or overwhelmingness (I know, I think I made that word up) are gonna hit. When you walk this journey of infertility treatments your mind tells you that once you are finished taking the meds the effects are done. No more hormone induced freak outs. But that is not so...and the frustrating thing is that you never know what the day will bring. It might bring a sense of normalness and happiness. It might bring a lack of patience that we just can't understand. Or irritation that we just can't explain. Sometimes I describe it as having your very own race track inside of you and the cars are racing and racing and they never stop and the more they race the harder it gets. Before sitting down to write this I (we actually) thought to it ok to write about hormones or is that weird? Ok, we know it's probably weird. But when we think about this journey being recorded on the pages of this blog we don't want to forget this day. We did have a very productive paper finished, one started and finished, and an outline completed, whew! Seriously, that finished our list of classwork that needed done by Friday this week. The most frustrating part of today is how the hormones cause all these different emotions that are more or less uncontrollable. It reminds us that even now the meds are doing something to my body. Hopefully they are doing something joyful and amazing! Time will tell.

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