Friday, May 13, 2011

Study Break Cookie Visitors

It's hell week at our apartment. The two weeks after this one will be play weeks, but for now, not so much. We're still trying to figure out just how to deal with the negative test on Monday and Joel has something like 8 or 9 finals to do this week...or that many papers, a couple of them weren't actually finals. Seniors have deadlines for their final papers that are moved up so final grades can get in so they can graduate. That means they still have to go to classes this week, while trying to get final papers turned in. In the midst of it all we have manged to fit in quite a few study breaks...Monday it was wine break, Wednesday student vs. faculty/staff softball game and free dinner break, and last night we had cookie visitors who gave us a most delicious reprieve from the papers! Thank you JD and Lauren...yum!

It's Friday night, 2.5 papers to go! Yay Joel! You can do it!

It will be great to have the papers done...but we can't say the same about seminary. We don't deal well with all. You'd think we would be pros at it by now, but nope, not even close. We're sad. And in the denial phase of seminary ending...meaning we can't think about the end and the goodbyes or we'll tear up. And we want to have fun the next two weeks, then will come the tearing up. Oh seminary journey, how we've loved you. A year into first call our brains will be moving? Ha! Wonder what that will be like!

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