Friday, May 13, 2011


Another Thursday post:

When I returned from lunch break today here is a conversation I had with Richard from the mail room (who was covering the desk so I could go to lunch):
R: Do you write stories?
M: (thinking to myself, um...I don't know) "I used to" I say instead...thinking of my days as editor of my campus newspaper, I wrote a lot of stories then
R: Good, keep it up

It made me chuckle inside and wonder...where did that come from? Richard and I only ever talk about work, Spokane, WA and the Oregon Coast (he vacations to both places as often as he can). Could Richard have cracked the secret code to get onto our blog? How the heck did he think to ask me if I write stories? He is not internet savvy (no offense to Richard, I just know he isn't, the poor guy, in his late 60's has a hard time looking anything up on the internet!), there is no way. But are there other stories out there I have written that he happened upon? I don't think so! It made me curious. And it was a good reminder to all of us...write your story:) People do want to read it! I promise you that! We both do! Richard might.

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