Sunday, March 25, 2012

Transfer Day

Yesterday Dr. Shomento called, twice actually.  She had been in the lab to peek at our embryos and said we are definitely a day 5 transfer!

This in itself is a miracle...

I can't always explain why really, but it gives the embryos an extra two days in the lab to grow and be even more ready to be implanted!

She said, "I'm pleased as punch with how things are going."  That's a nice thing to hear your doctor say!

When she asked how I was feeling I told her bloated, uncomfortable, and a little pain...

Her response was, "remember it is sweat pant city for the next several weeks..."

I'm kind of still trying to get used to this.  I mean, I love wearing sweatpants, ultra comfty living!  But I am still trying to wrap my mind around it being ok to dress like this.

I was supposed to weigh myself every day after retrieval and I had been forgetting to do that...she assured me she wasn't worried about my health or my ovaries being over stimluated...

When she called later in the day to confirm transfer times she told me that my ovaries are giant and bruised because she poked them with a needle to get the eggs!  So, uncomfortableness is the name of the game...

I've said it a million, trillion, billion times...but it's all worth it, of course.

This morning I received a text from Dr. Shomento that said: Embryos look great this a.m..  

Miracles are happening in the lab, we pray they keep on happening!

Tuesday at 9am Montana time is the big event.  Dr. Shomento is hopeful, we're hopeful.

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